On The Issues

Second Amendment
The right to possess and bear firearms is fundamental to preserving a free and prosperous society. Citizens in a free country must have the ability to protect themselves from those who threaten their ability to exercise God-given rights codified by the Constitution. Without the Second Amendment, such an ability ceases to exist and free citizens become dependent on the government for protection. This can lead to a dangerous situation where unarmed citizens depend on armed government agents for protection, inevitably resulting in the abuse of power by such agents. I will not back down from standing firm on protecting the Second Amendment and opposing any and all efforts to limit the right of law-abiding Americans to possess and carry firearms, whether it’s for personal protection or sport. Our right to do so is directly related to the sustainability of the very fabric of what makes the United States unique in relation to other countries that intentionally limit the ability of its citizens to protect themselves from harm.
I unapologetically stand for the right to life. Roe v. Wade was an unconstitutional decision when it was rendered by liberal activist judges in 1973. The same constitutional rights enacted by our Founding Fathers in the United States Constitution are the same rights that activist judges have maliciously distorted to legislate from the bench. The creation of an unconstituional right to abortion, is the benchmark of such distortions stemming from judicial activism that blatantly ignores the spirit of our Founding documents. The Supreme Court must restore the spirit of the 10th Amendment and allow local citizens to make decisions based on a more appropriate form of self-government as opposed to the progressive ideology that the federal government can control every aspect of our lives with no basis in the original intent of what has become the world’s best example of how governments should interact with its citizens: the United States Constitution.
A good education is important to the success of the individual as well as the nation. States need flexibility to improve their K-12 programs. For far too long we have seen minority children trapped in failing schools simply because it benefits one political party. The same party that has run these cities and their schools for decades continues to tell voters that they can fix things, if they were only given more money. Yet, each year the results remain unacceptable and another class of students is thrown into the world unprepared to get a good job and raise a family. Education is the ticket to getting out of poverty and the current system is simply unacceptable where social engineering is more common than learning. We need to reward schools that are successful and make sure that every parent who wants to send their child to the successful schools can do so. Simply locking a child into a failing school because of their zip code is a national embarrassment.
Over the last couple years, we have seen our classrooms and curriculums become politicized in a way we’ve never witnessed before. Critical Race Theory has no place in any classroom.
Like all nations, the United States has a history. Part of that history involves very complicated and emotionally-charged issues that we must address head on and educate our children about, but to singularly focus on those issues at the expense of also teaching American exceptionalism does great harm to our children and their view of the country they call home—a country that has done more to advance personal freedom and individual liberty than any other nation in the history of the world.
This is only part of the larger issue of Critical Race Theory. Teaching young, impressionable children that they or any group of people are inherently bad or superior based on the color of their skin is abominable. In fact, it contributes to the very circumstances and mindsets that led to the societal ills of the dark historical periods being discussed now.
Educating our children should be left to teachers and parents working together for the benefit of American students from all walks of life. Vilifying parents or trying to block them from having a say in what their children are being taught will further polarize this critical issue that our children desperately need us as a nation to get right.
Immigration and Border Security
The current crisis at the southern border is an abomination caused completely by the failed policies of the Biden administration and their enablers in Congress. Every day our border is flooded with illegal immigrants, dangerous narcotics, and potential terrorists. We see the dangerous and fatal ramifications of an open border each day on the news as criminals who should have never been allowed into our country wreak havoc in our cities and murder our citizens. Our illegal immigration system is costly and time-consuming. We need to streamline the process and welcome legal immigrants into our great country.

National Security
The U.S. defeated Nazism, Fascism, Totalitarianism, and Communism and NOW we must defeat terrorism by identifying, locating and obliterating terrorists wherever they are and making sure that countries who harbor them will face serious consequences. We must support democracies and oppose dictators around the globe and make it clear that an attack on one of our allies is an attack on the United States. Over the course of our history we have seen that by having a clear ‘peace through strength philosophy’ and maintaining the strongest military in the world is the best way to avoid military confrontation. Our military preparedness will suffer from policies aimed at promoting diversity rather than merit. We need to restore our defense strength by taking politics out of the military. Our country risks war when we project weakness.
Energy Independence
Sound energy policy saw America go from a country that was dependent on foreign oil to an energy exporter in a very short period of time. However, in just the last year bad policies have reversed this and has put a drag on our economy through higher energy costs that have made every aspect of our lives more expensive. This has contributed to record inflation that is simply making it harder and harder for working families to make ends meet. It is time to go back to the energy policies that make it easier for these families to get by.

Sensibly Address COVID-19
Consistent sensible guidance based upon actual science, not politics and profits, is needed to protect our fellow citizens as well as the overall health of the nation. For the past two years we have watched Democrats and bureaucrats in Washington set rules and mandates based solely on what they think will benefit them politically. While running for office in 2020, many Democrat politicians told voters they would question any vaccine produced under the Republican President. After sowing doubt in the American population in an election year, President Biden And Vice President Harris have now sought to vilify the same Americans he and his party instilled distrust in,pitting American against American. We need to work to regain the trust of the American people in their government and this can be done by changing the people who are running it.Deficit Spending
The United States does not have a revenue problem – we have a spending problem. With an unsustainable national debt, we need to reduce spending on special interests and balance the budget instead of piling more and more debt onto our children and future generations.